Saturday, May 19, 2007


For the past couples of days I have been thinking about my baby who was to be born on March 23, 2007 He would have been my first child It's been almost seven months and the pain and emptiness is still there. My girlfriend had text book pregnancy up until the 19th week. We were scheduled for what we thought was a routine Dr. appointment before we knew it we were rushed to the hospital because the doctor couldn't find our baby's heart beat. The doctor tried to reassure us saying that the ultrasound machine was old and she wanted us to go the the hospital immediately and she would meet us there.Needless to say we lost our baby on November 1 ,2006 it absolutely turned my world upside down. How could something like this just happen? the Doctor ordered an autopsy the results came back normal no chromosomal abnormality , no placenta abruption,no heart defects ....nothing!! My desire to have a child is overwhelming but my fear of this happening again is crippling.