For the past couples of days I have been thinking about my baby who was to be born on March 23, 2007 He would have been my first child It's been almost seven months and the pain and emptiness is still there. My girlfriend had text book pregnancy up until the 19
th week. We were scheduled for what we thought was a routine Dr. appointment before we knew it we were rushed to the hospital because the doctor couldn't find our baby's heart beat. The doctor tried to reassure us saying that the ultrasound machine was old and she wanted us to go the the hospital immediately and she would meet us there.Needless to say we lost our baby on November 1 ,2006 it absolutely turned my world upside down. How could something like this just happen? the Doctor ordered an autopsy the results came back normal no chromosomal abnormality , no placenta
abruption,no heart defects ....nothing!! My desire to have a child is overwhelming but my fear of this happening again is crippling.
Sometimes the hardest things to understand are those that happen for *no reason*.
I've never lost a child. I don't know how you feel. All I can say is ... I'm sorry you lost your baby. I hope that things get easier for you.
**May your little *Angel* watch over you for the rest of your life **
I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard that is because I've never been through it. I've felt loss but not the same kind. But my sister miscarried every other pregnancy...and she has four beautiful children. Sometimes the only way to get through it is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Hope that helps some.
And thanks for the kind comments on my blog.
FIRST Let me say thank you for your comment.
I hope you have read through my entire blog. I feel your pain. after the lost of my triplets at 18weeks i was at a place where I have no idea how i would go on. I blocked out friends, family everyone. I couldn't even think about ttc again.
The drive is a force of it's own...once you get back into it...there is no stopping. Thinking of you my friend,hang in there and email me anytime.
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